
英 美
  • abbr.=peripheralinterchangepackage外围交换程式
  • pip n.点;星(肩章符号);水果的种子;果核;拨号音v.(英)在最后关头被击败;(小鸟等)唧唧喳喳地叫
  • pip-shaped 苹果种子形的
  • pip-squeak n.不重要的东西;控制发射机的钟表机构
  • pip. abbr.=peripheralinterchangepackage外围交换程式
  • pipa abbr.脉冲积分摆加速表(=pulseintegratingpendulumaccelerometer)
名词 pip:
  1. a disease of poultry

  2. a minor nonspecific ailment

  3. a small hard seed found in some fruits

  4. a mark on a die or on a playing card (shape depending on the suit)

  5. a radar echo displayed so as to show the position of a reflecting surface

动词 pip:
  1. kill by firing a missile

  2. hit with a missile from a weapon

  3. defeat thoroughly