
英['pleʒə(r)] 美['pleʒər]
  • n.愉快;高兴;快事;(用于回答对方的感谢)荣幸vt.使高兴vi.高兴;享受快乐
pleasureless pleasured pleasured pleasuring pleasures
    n. (名词)
    1. 娱乐,消遣
    2. 乐事,乐趣,愉快的事情
    3. 愉快,高兴,快乐,欢乐
    4. 满足,满意
    5. 放荡(行为)
    6. <书>意愿,愿望,希望
    7. 肉体上的快乐
    8. 享受
    9. 声色之娱
    v. (动词)
    1. 寻欢作乐,沉溺于享乐,外出玩乐,享受快乐
    2. (使)高兴,(使)满意,愉快
    3. 喜欢
    4. 游荡
    5. 游览
    6. 使获得性满足,与…性交
    n. (名词)
    1. [U]愉快,快乐,满足 the state or feeling of happiness or satisfaction resulting from an experience that one enjoys
    2. [U]娱乐,消遣 doing things for fun rather than as work
    3. [C]快乐的事物,乐事 a cause of happiness, enjoyment, or satisfaction
    4. [U]荣幸 polite enjoyment gained by doing or having sth
    5. [U]方便而乐意做的事 sth that is not inconvenient and that one is happy to do
    6. [U]愿望,意愿 wish


  1. a fundamental feeling that is hard to define but that people desire to experience;

    "he was tingling with pleasure"

  2. something or someone that provides a source of happiness;

    "a joy to behold"
    "the pleasure of his company"
    "the new car is a delight"

  3. a formal expression;

    "he serves at the pleasure of the President"

  4. an activity that affords enjoyment;

    "he puts duty before pleasure"

  5. sexual gratification;

    "he took his pleasure of her"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. She took no pleasure in her work.
    2. I will remember this meeting with pleasure.
    3. She seemed to take pleasure in our suffering.
    4. It is a pleasure to work with you.
    用作及物动词 (vt.)
    1. I really don't know how to pleasure him.
    用作不及物动词 (vi.)
    1. I pleasure in your company.
    2. When a trainer uses positive training the animal comes on the set feeling that it will be a moment of pleasure and appreciation, of fun and grace.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. He didn't show any pleasure when I offered to go with him.
    2. Bert could scarcely conceal his pleasure at my resignation.
    3. His grandchildren afforded him his greatest pleasure in his old age.
    4. Business before pleasure.
    5. Pleasure has its sting in its tail.
    6. Has she gone to Paris on business or for pleasure?
    7. I'm going to Hawaii for pleasure combined with business.
    8. He writes not only to make money but also for pleasure.
    9. It is one of my greatest pleasures.
    10. Work is a pleasure to him.
    11. We await your pleasure.
    12. She hasn't made known her pleasure yet.
    13. His life is spent in the pursuit of pleasure.
    14. I know him to be nothing but a man of pleasure, a dandy who has given himself up to the relentless pursuit of sensual pleasure.
    ~+to- v
    1. It gave me no pleasure to have to tell them they were fired.
    2. It gave me great pleasure to welcome the delegation.
    3. It's a pleasure to teach her.
    4. It's been a great pleasure to talk to you.
    5. It's a pleasure to hear of your success.
    1. Is it your pleasure that I sign the minutes of the last meeting as correct?
    ~+in n./v -ing
    1. I find great pleasure in going to the theatre.
    2. He finds pleasure in reading.
    ~+of n./v -ing
    1. I had the pleasure of your husband's acquaintance in the States when he was there some years ago.
    2. May I have the pleasure of the next dance with you?
    3. I had the pleasure of meeting your parents yesterday.
    4. Are we to have the pleasure of seeing you again?
n. (名词)
  1. pleasure的基本意思是“愉快,快乐,满足”,指某事使人在感情上得到满足或愉快,也可指使人快乐的各种活动,即“娱乐,消遣”; 还可指能够使人感到快乐或高兴的事,即“快乐的事,乐事”。用于物主代词之后, pleasure还可指“意愿”。
  2. pleasure多用作不可数名词,当作“快乐的事,乐事”解时用作可数名词。
  3. pleasure有特指含义时其前要加定冠词the,而泛指时其前不用定冠词the。
  4. the pleasure (of)常可用作表示“荣幸,光彩”等客套话。pleasure还可用于回答感谢的客套答语,表示“方便而乐意做的事”。
  5. pleasure作“意愿”解时,常用于it's sb's pleasure to- v 或it's sb's pleasure that...结构, that从句中的谓语动词一般用虚拟语气。
  1. pleasure后可接不同的介词,如in,of,to等,前面两个后加动名词,第三个是to的不定式;
  2. 注意可以说take (a) pleasure in,其中a可省略,表示一样的意思,但是不可说take one's pleasure
  3. pleasure较为客气的表达方式:

    Will you do me the pleasure of dining with me?

  4. have the pleasure of doing同it is a pleasure to do均表达很高兴去做某事。
n. (名词)
do the pleasure, have the pleasure
  • 这两个短语都可用来表示向人请求,并且都用于疑问结构。两者的区别是:have the pleasure是从自己着想,而do the pleasure则是从对方着想。试比较:
  • My I have the pleasure of dancing with you?
  • 我能同你跳个舞吗?
  • Will you do the pleasure of dancing with me?
  • 你能同我跳个舞吗?
  • pleasure, delight, joy
  • 这三个词的共同意思是“愉快”或“高兴”。其区别是:
  • 1.delight指“喜悦”或“高兴”,多表示突然、短暂的喜悦; pleasure指“愉快”,是一般交际性的礼貌用语,还可指外界对头脑或感官刺激而引起的快感; joy指“欢乐”或“愉快”,有时可替代delight和pleasure。例如:
  • She grinned her delight.她露齿一笑表示高兴。
  • I have the pleasure of presenting our opening speaker.我很荣幸地介绍一下我们的开场发言人。
  • A smile often denotes pleasure.微笑常常是愉快的表示。
  • This afforded him great joy〔pleasure〕.这使他感到快乐。
  • 2.joy在程度上比pleasure强; delight语气上要比pleasure更强。
  • 下面两句意思略有不同:
  • It is a pleasure to hear of your presence.
  • 听到你光临真是高兴。
  • It gave us pleasure to hear of your presence.
  • 听到你光临,真叫我们高兴。
  • 下面两句意思相同:
  • I have the pleasure of meeting you here.
  • I have pleasure in meeting you here.
  • 在这里碰到你我感到很高兴。
  • 下面两个短语意思不同:
  • at one's pleasure 随便
  • with pleasure 欣然,乐意
  • pleasure,delight,rapture,enjoyment,joy,fun
  • 这些名词均含“愉快、快乐、高兴”之意。
  • pleasure最普通常用词,常指不表露出来的满意或喜悦情绪,也指强烈的愉快或兴奋感。
  • delight指强烈的、活泼的、显而易见的快乐和高兴。
  • rapture书面语用词,指极端的欣喜、大喜或狂喜。
  • enjoyment比pleasure, joy和delight的语气轻,但更着重行为或乐事的本身,而不是感情。
  • joy语气弱于rapture,强于pleasure,多指情感充溢,喜形于色的强烈的欢乐情绪。
  • fun普通用词,指任何能给予喜悦的娱乐,或指娱乐本身。
  • 用作名词 (n.)
    at (one's) pleasure
      随便 so as one wishes or decides
    It is/was my/a pleasure
      不客气,不用谢 not at all
    take pleasure in
      以某事为乐,喜欢做某事 enjoy sth; like to do sth
    with pleasure
      愉快地,高兴地,没问题 very happy
    用作名词 (n.)
    动词+~ 形容词+~ ~+名词 介词+~ ~+介词