
英[pəʊl] 美[poʊl]
  • n.杆;柱;极点v.(用杆)支撑Pole.n.波兰人
poled poled poling poles
  • POL abbr.石油;燃料与润滑剂(=petroleum;oilandlubricant)abbr.北极星导弹(=Polaris)
  • pol-change 换极器
  • Pol-SAR 合成孔径雷达(SAR)
  • pol/Vac (=poliomyelitisvaccine)脊髓灰质炎疫苗
  • pola =Pula
    n. (名词)
    1. 杆,竿,柱,棒
    2. 磁极
    3. 波兰人
    4. 极端
    5. 极地
    6. 杆(长度单位,合5.5码)
    7. 平方杆(面积单位,合30.25平方码)
    8. 辕杆
    9. 【物】电极
    10. 【天】天极
    11. 【数】轴极
    12. 【天、地】极,北极星
    13. 【物】极点,顶点
    14. 旗竿
    15. Reginald Pole 波尔(1500-1558,英国红衣主教)
    v. (动词)
    1. 用竿跳
    2. 用篙撑船,用篙撑
    3. 用棒支持,用杆支撑
    4. 用棒推
    5. 用(竹)杆挑
    6. 摆船
    n. (名词)
    1. [C]柱,杆 long thin rounded piece of wood or metal, used especially as a support for sth or for pushing boats, etc. along
    2. [C]地极,磁极,电极 either of the two points at the exact top and bottom of the Earth, which are the opposite ends of the axis on which it turns; either of the two ends of a magnet or the terminal points of an electric battery


  1. a long (usually round) rod of wood or metal or plastic

  2. a native or inhabitant of Poland

  3. one of two divergent or mutually exclusive opinions;

    "they are at opposite poles"
    "they are poles apart"

  4. a linear measure of 16.5 feet

  5. a square rod of land

  6. one of two points of intersection of the Earth's axis and the celestial sphere

  7. one of two antipodal points where the Earth's axis of rotation intersects the Earth's surface

  8. a contact on an electrical device (such as a battery) at which electric current enters or leaves

  9. a long fiberglass sports implement used for pole vaulting

  10. one of the two ends of a magnet where the magnetism seems to be concentrated

  1. propel with a pole;

    "pole barges on the river"
    "We went punting in Cambridge"

  2. support on poles;

    "pole climbing plants like beans"

  3. deoxidize molten metals by stirring them with a wooden pole

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Pole vaulters need long run-ups.
    2. The hut was made of poles covered with grass mats.
    3. He had put up a basket on a pole in the back yard.
    4. When Scott reached the South Pole he found Amundsen had anticipated him.
    5. He flew to Europe via the North Pole.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The flag is attached to a pole.
    2. They erected a telephone pole.
    3. It was difficult to get the pole over the hedge.
    4. This boat has a special instrument fitting round the pole.
    5. This carrying pole reminds me of our bitter days in the past.
    6. We leaned the poles back against the wall.
    7. Lash the piece of wood to the pole to make it longer.
    8. The teacher asked the students to hop the pole.
    9. He fastened the ox joke to the wagon pole.
    10. Some of the telephone poles were knocked down by the surging water.
    11. A rope was stretched between the poles.
    12. He lowered the flag on the pole.
    13. Loop the rope around the pole.
    14. English is spoken from pole to pole.
n. (名词)
  1. pole的意思是“柱,杆”,是可数名词。另一个意思是“地极,磁极,电极”。
  2. the North Pole和the South Pole是专有名词,定冠词the不可省略。
用作名词 (n.)
poles apart
    截然相反 be widely separated; having nothing in common
up the pole
    发疯的,古怪的 crazy, eccentric
用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ 介词+~ ~+介词