
英['pɒpjuleɪt] 美['pɑːpjuleɪt]
  • v.构成人口;居住于;【计】填入
populated populated populating populates
  • model n.模范;模特儿;模型adj.模范的;作模型用的v.做模型;模仿;塑造
  • popular adj.受欢迎的;通俗的;流行的;大众的
  1. inhabit or live in; be an inhabitant of;

    "People lived in Africa millions of years ago"
    "The people inhabited the islands that are now deserted"
    "this kind of fish dwells near the bottom of the ocean"
    "deer are populating the woods"

  2. fill with inhabitants;

    "populate the forest with deer and wild boar for hunting"

    用作动词 (v.)
    1. Carcasses populate the brush, their putrid remains swallowed whole by the land.
    2. All sea life upon Earth originates from these two breeding tanks in which those species that could flourish went on to populate all oceans.