
英[pɔː'treɪ] 美[pɔːr'treɪ]
  • vt.描写;描绘;饰演
portrayable portrayer portrayed portrayed portraying portrays
  • of prep.关于;...的(表所属);出身于;由于
  • portrait n.肖像;画像;描写
    n. (名词)
    1. 画,画像
    v. (动词)
    1. 描写,刻画,表现,描绘
    2. 【戏】扮演,饰演
    3. 画(人物、风景),勾画
    4. 把…描绘成
    5. 给人以某种印象
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. 画像; 描述 present sb/sth in painting, in a book, etc., especially according to one's own ideas or so as to produce a certain effect
    2. vt. 扮演 act the part of a particular character in a play


  1. portray in words;

    "The book portrays the actor as a selfish person"

  2. make a portrait of;

    "Goya wanted to portray his mistress, the Duchess of Alba"

  3. assume or act the character of;

    "She impersonates Madonna"
    "The actor portrays an elderly, lonely man"

  4. represent abstractly, for example in a painting, drawing, or sculpture;

    "The father is portrayed as a good-looking man in this painting"

    用作及物动词 (vt.)
    1. It is difficult to portray feelings in words.
    2. The book portrays the life of an actor.
    3. The picture portrays a beautiful sunset.
    4. The actor is trying his best to portray the role of Hamlet.
    5. The actor shaved his head off in order to portray a bald man.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. This painting portrays the death of Nelson.
    2. He portrayed a character in this play.
    3. Dickins portrays his characters to the life.
    用作宾补动词 S+~+ pron./n. +as n./pron.
    1. He portrayed himself as a champion for democracy.
    2. 1
    3. In British history books Richard Ⅲ is usually portrayed as a wicked man.
v. (动词)
  1. portray的基本意思是“描述”“画像”,指通过素描、雕塑、油画或表演、文学等手段按照自己头脑中的形象塑造并呈现出现实的效果,以表现人及其个性特征、感情或品质。引申可表示“扮演”。其宾语可以是人、物,也可以是事物。
  2. portray是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。
v. (动词)
portray, depict, describe
  • 这组词都含有“描绘”“描述”的意思,其宾语可以是人、物,也可以是事物。它们之间的区别是:
  • 1.describe指用语言文字描述; portray指通过故事、小说等方式用文字来描述,还可专指用笔描绘或绘画; depict指给物体着色或是素描,借用在文学上表示“描写”,强调外表、形象、色彩等具体细节。 例如:
  • Words cannot describe my joy.
  • 言语不能形容我的快乐。
  • The book depicts him as a rather unpleas- ant character.
  • 这本书把他刻画成一个相当令人讨厌 的人物。
  • In British history books Richard Ⅲ is usu- ally portrayed as a wicked man.
  • 英国历史书通常把理查三世说成是个 坏人。
  • 2.describe和depict是生动地、具体地描述,力图将所叙述的内容像图片般栩栩如生地呈现在他人面前; portray是一般地描述。例如:
  • The writer portrays life in a refugee camp very vividly.这位作者生动地描述了难民营中的生活。
  • 3.describe后可接疑问词引起的从句,而portray不能这样用。
  • 用作动词 (v.)
    portray in (v.+prep.)
      (在书、戏剧、电影或绘画中)把某人描绘或刻画成 describe or show the character of (sb) in (a book, play, film or picture)
      portray sth in sth

      It is still not considered proper to portray Christ in a play or film.


    用作动词 (v.)