push back

英 美
  • 把...向后推把...推回原处
  • back n.后面;背脊;靠背;后背;后卫vt.支持;后退adv.向后地adj.向后的;后面的;偏远的;过时的;积欠的
  • push v.推;按;挤;逼迫;催促n.推;奋力;决心
  1. the act of forcing the enemy to withdraw

  1. cause to move back by force or influence;

    "repel the enemy"
    "push back the urge to smoke"
    "beat back the invaders"

    1. And, if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor not a new balance of power but a new world of law, where the strong are just, and the weak secured, and the peace preserved.
      如果合作的滩头阵地能逼退猜忌的丛林,那么就让双方共同作一次新的努力; 不是建立一种新的均势,而是创造一个新的法治世界,在这个世界中,强者公正,弱者安全、和平将得到维护。
    2. She kept pushing back wisps of hair that fell over her eyes.
