
英[ˌriːkən'strʌkt] 美[ˌriːkən'strʌkt]
  • v.重建;修复;重现
reconstructible reconstructed reconstructed reconstructing reconstructs
    v. (动词)
    1. 设想
    2. 修复
    3. 复兴
    4. 复原
    5. 改组
    6. 使在想像中重现
    7. 推想
    8. 把…翻造
    9. 再现
    10. 重新整理
    11. 重新产生
    12. 领悟
    13. 重建
    14. 重现
    15. 使再现
    16. 再建
    17. 重造
    18. 重现描述
    19. 使重现
    20. 改建
    21. 复全
    22. 重整
    23. 改造


  1. reassemble mentally;

    "reconstruct the events of 20 years ago"

  2. build again;

    "The house was rebuild after it was hit by a bomb"

  3. cause somebody to adapt or reform socially or politically

  4. return to its original or usable and functioning condition;

    "restore the forest to its original pristine condition"

  5. do over, as of (part of) a house;

    "We are remodeling these rooms"

    用作动词 (v.)
    1. They've decided to reconstruct this building.
    2. Workers tried to reconstruct destroyed railroads.
    3. We reconstructed what the dinosaur looked like from a few of its bones.
    4. He tried to reconstruct his dreams.