
英[rɪ'kɜː(r)] 美[rɪ'kɜːr]
  • vi.重现;再发生
recurrence recurred recurred recurring recurs
  • fuel n.燃料;刺激因素vt.供以燃料vi.加燃料
  • recuperator n.同流换热器(回收装置;复进机)
    v. (动词)
    1. 再现
    2. 重新忆起
    3. 被重新提出
    4. 重提
    5. 复发
    6. 来来去去
    7. 翻来覆去
    8. 回想
    9. 回头讲
    10. 重新浮现在心上
    11. 【数】递归循环
    12. 倚赖
    13. 求助
    14. 借助(于)
    15. 重复
    16. 反复
    17. 再发生
    18. 诉诸依赖
    19. 采用
    20. 依赖
    21. 再发
    22. 重现
    23. 诉诸
    v. (动词)
    1. vi. 再发生 happen again
    2. vi. 重回到 go back in words or thought


  1. happen or occur again;

    "This is a recurring story"

  2. return in thought or speech to something

  3. have recourse to;

    "The government resorted to rationing meat"

    用作不及物动词 (vi.)
    1. What do you want to make it recur?
    2. The best way to ensure quality is to write tests that validate data and algorithms and verify that prior mistakes do not recur.
    3. Our patient was successfully treated with diuretics, and the chylothorax did not recur during the following 12 months under a sodium-restricted diet.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作不及物动词 S+~(+A)
    1. If the pain recurs, take this medicine.
    2. Leap year recurs every four years.
    3. Certain fevers recur at regular intervals.
    4. It was a phrase that was to recur again and again.
v. (动词)
  1. recur的意思是“再发生”“重现”,即某事物以多少有规律的间隔再次发生或在记忆中的浮现,这些事物包括:以前发生的事、经历的事、知道的事、记在心里的事和对某人/物有影响的事等。
  2. recur是不及物动词,常跟介词to连用。
  3. recur的过去式和过去分词均为recurred。
用作动词 (v.)
recur to (v.+prep.)
    借助于 make use of sth helpful
用作动词 (v.)
~+副词 ~+介词