
英['repətri] 美['repərtɔːri]
  • n.全部剧目;仓库;积贮
repertorial repertories
  • computor n.计算机
  • of prep.关于;...的(表所属);出身于;由于
  • repertoire n.全部节目;全部才能
    n. (名词)
    1. 全部剧目
    2. 仓库
    3. 保留节目汇演
    4. 个人的曲目
    5. 库存
    6. 贮藏物
    7. 贮藏所
    8. 宝库
    9. 贮藏
    10. 搜集
    11. 代码指令表
    12. 清单
    13. 轮演剧目
    14. 储备
    15. 某些剧场采用的由固定剧团定期换演节目的制度
    16. 积贮


  1. a storehouse where a stock of things is kept

  2. the entire range of skills or aptitudes or devices used in a particular field or occupation;

    "the repertory of the supposed feats of mesmerism"
    "has a large repertory of dialects and characters"

  3. a collection of works (plays, songs, operas, ballets) that an artist or company can perform and do perform for short intervals on a regular schedule

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. She acted with a repertory company for three years.
    2. Jane weighed down her repertory with these plays.
    3. It is up to each company to decide its own repertory.