He has not the patience for repetitive work. 他没有耐心做重复性的工作。
His job consists of dull, repetitive work. 他干的是些单调重复的工作。
The rhythm of paragraphs strike repetitive beats. 段落的韵律会有重复的节拍。
Could you avoid asking the repetitive questions? 你可不可以不要总是问同样的问题?
Repetitive voltage fluctuations cause brightness variations in incandescent elements. 反复的电压波动引起白炽灯光度的变化。
The severe form of the syndrome may include the most extreme forms of self-injurious, repetitive, highly unusual and aggressive behaviours. 孤独症综合症的严重表现形成包括极端形式的自残行为,反复的离奇与攻击性行为。