
英[rɪ'spaɪə(r)] 美[rɪ'spaɪər]
  • v.〈正式或文〉(人)呼吸;(植物)呼吸;松口气
respired respired respiring respires
  • res n.电阻器
  • res-bag 复苏器械包
  • Res-Q 锰苯克合剂
  • res. (=rescue)复苏,援救,救护,(=resect)切除,(=resection)切除(术),(=reserve)储备物,储量,保存,(=resident)住院医师,固有的,居住的,(=resina)(拉)树脂,(=resistance)抵抗力,阻力,电阻,抗(药)性,(=resolution)分解,分辨,溶解,消退,(=respiration)呼吸(作用),(=restricted)受限制的,约束的
  • RESA =ScientificResearchSocietyofAmerica美国科学研究学会
  1. breathe easily again, as after exertion or anxiety

  2. undergo the biomedical and metabolic processes of respiration by taking up oxygen and producing carbon monoxide

  3. draw air into, and expel out of, the lungs;

    "I can breathe better when the air is clean"
    "The patient is respiring"