
英[rɪ'vɜːsəbl] 美[rɪ'vɜːrsəbl]
  • adj.可逆的;双向的;可反转的n.双面式衣服;双面布料
  • dynamic adj.动力的;动态的;有活力的;【音】力度变化的n.动力;动力学
  • reversibility n.可逆性;反转性;可撤销性
  1. a garment (especially a coat) that can be worn inside out (with either side of the cloth showing)

  1. capable of reversing or being reversed;

    "reversible hypertension"

  2. capable of being reversed or used with either side out;

    "a reversible jacket"

  3. capable of being reversed;

    "a reversible decision is one that can be appealed or vacated"

  4. capable of assuming or producing either of two states;

    "a reversible chemical reaction"
    "a reversible cell"

    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. In small fields the changes are reversible.
    2. When recognized at this early stage, they are often reversible.