
英['sɔːltwɜːt] 美['sɔːltˌwɜːt]
  • n. [植]藜科冈羊栖菜属植物
  • sala n.撒拉族;撒拉族人sala.n.大厅;起居室;接待室
  • salaam v.行额手礼n.额手之礼;问安;敬意
  • salability n.适销性
  • salable adj.适于销售的;有销路的=saleable.
  • salacious adj.好色的;淫荡的
  1. bushy plant of Old World salt marshes and sea beaches having prickly leaves; burned to produce a crude soda ash

  2. low-growing strong-smelling coastal shrub of warm parts of the New World having unisexual flowers in conelike spikes and thick succulent leaves