saving grace

英 美
  • 可以弥补缺点的优点;可取之处
  • grace n.优美;优雅;恩惠vt.使优美;使荣耀
  • saving n.节约;挽救(复数)savings:储蓄金;存款prep.除...之外conj.除了;除去save的现在分词
  1. (Christian theology) a state of sanctification by God; the state of one who is under such divine influence;

    "the conception of grace developed alongside the conception of sin"
    "it was debated whether saving grace could be obtained outside the membership of the church"
    "the Virgin lived in a state of grace"

  2. a redeeming quality or characteristic;

    "her love of music remains her one saving grace"
    "her sense of humor has to be a saving grace"
    "the saving grace for both developments is that they are creating jobs"

    1. His saving grace was his sense of humor.
