
英[sɪ'vɪə(r)] 美[sɪ'vɪr]
  • adj.严厉的;严重的;剧烈的;严格的;严峻的
severely severer severest severeness
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 严厉的
    2. 艰难的
    3. 苛刻的
    4. 严重的
    5. 严肃的
    6. 朴素的
    7. 剧烈的
    8. 严格的
    9. 极为恶劣的
    10. 艰巨的
    11. 凶猛的
    12. 严正的
    13. 厉害的
    adv. (副词)
    1. 严重地
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 严重的,剧烈的 causing serious harm pain, worry or discomfort
    2. 严厉的,严肃的 not kind or gentle in treatment
    3. 艰难的,严峻的,辛苦的 likely to cause failure or show up weakness; difficult
    4. 朴素的,纯朴的 completely plain and without decoration


  1. intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality;

    "severe pain"
    "a severe case of flu"
    "a terrible cough"
    "under wicked fire from the enemy's guns"
    "a wicked cough"

  2. very strong or vigorous;

    "strong winds"
    "a hard left to the chin"
    "a knockout punch"
    "a severe blow"

  3. severely simple;

    "a stark interior"

  4. unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment;

    "a parent severe to the pitch of hostility"
    "a hefty six-footer with a rather severe mien"
    "a strict disciplinarian"
    "a Spartan upbringing"

  5. causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm;

    "a dangerous operation"
    "a grave situation"
    "a grave illness"
    "grievous bodily harm"
    "a serious wound"
    "a serious turn of events"
    "a severe case of pneumonia"
    "a life-threatening disease"

  6. very bad in degree or extent;

    "a severe worldwide depression"
    "the house suffered severe damage"

    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. The premier came under severe criticism.
    2. He's suffering from severe mental disorder.
    3. A severe storm turned the small village down to ground.
    4. The new product has stood a severe proof .
    5. They can withstand severe tests.
    用作形容词 (adj.)
    用作定语 ~+ n.
    1. There is a severe shortage of fuel.
    2. The general had a severe manner.
    3. This troop has severe military rules.
    4. This is a severe test.
    5. When the earthquake came, the house had a severe quake.
    6. Severe weather conditions hinders the rescue.
    7. She is wearing a severe dress.
    用作表语 S+be+~
    1. Competition for the job is very severe.
    S+be+~+ prep .-phrase
    1. Was his mother too severe on him?
    2. We must be severe with ourselves and lenient with others.
    3. That dress looks too severe on you.
    S+be+~+to- v
    1. The pace was too severe to be kept up for long.
adj. (形容词)
  1. severe的基本意思是“严厉的”,指完全没有松弛、轻浮、柔软可言,可形容人及其面容、行为、思想、言论,也可形容与人有关的事物,如作风、法律、刑罚等,偶尔也可形容天气,指气候恶劣、严寒。
  1. severe还可指“朴素的”,例:a severe literary style(朴素的文体)。
adj. (形容词)
severe, serious
  • severe和serious都可表示“严重的”。但表示“伤势严重”时只能用severe。例如:
  • He received severe leg injuries in the accident.在事故中他的腿部受了重伤。
  • She was laid up for a year with a very serious〔severe〕 illness.她由于病重而卧床一年。
  • severe, stern, strict
  • 这组词的共同意思是“严格的”或“严厉的”。它们之间的区别是:
  • 1.strict通常用于指对人的行为要求符合规范,一般译为“严格的”; severe多指由于客观需要而不能轻易改变规则和要求,含有冷酷无情之义,一般译为“严厉的”; stern则含有坚定不可动摇之义,多由人的性格所决定,一般译为“严谨的”。试比较:
  • She was very strict on discipline.
  • 她严格遵守纪律。
  • She is a severe judge.
  • 她是个严厉的法官。
  • Father's face wore a stern expression.
  • 父亲面色严峻。
  • 2.在语气上, severe最重, stern次之, strict则相对较轻。
  • 用作形容词 (adj.)
    ~+名词 副词+~ ~+介词