
英[ʃiːt] 美[ʃiːt]
  • n.被单;纸;(薄)片;一片n.[船]帆脚索v.铺盖;使成片adj.片状的
sheeted sheeted sheeting sheets
  • process n.工序;过程v.加工;处理;起诉;列队前进
  • sheer adj.极轻薄的;陡峭的;全然的adv.垂直地v.避开;转向
    n. (名词)
    1. 薄片
    2. 薄板
    3. 一张
    4. 一大片
    5. 床单,被单,褥单
    6. 报纸,杂志
    7. 整版邮票
    8. <书>帆
    9. 【印】折帖
    10. 帆脚索
    11. 印刷品,复印品
    12. 表格
    13. 单张(纸)
    14. 单子
    15. 缭绳
    16. 裹尸布
    v. (动词)
    1. 用裹尸布包裹,包(死尸)
    2. 使成大片,使成一大片
    3. 滂沱般落下,大片地落下
    4. 成片流动,大片地流动
    5. 成片展开,成片地铺开
    6. 给…铺上被单,盖上被单
    7. 用帆脚索扣紧(帆)
    8. 覆盖
    9. 把延展成薄片
    10. 铺开,展开,伸开,扩展
    11. 遍布
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 片状的
    2. 滚压成片的
    3. 制金属薄片的
    n. (名词)
    1. [C] 被单,褥单,床单 large rectangular piece of cotton, linen, etc., usually used in pairs between which a person sleeps
    2. [C] 薄板,薄片 broad thin piece of any material
    3. [C] 纸 piece of paper for writing or printing on, usually in a standard size
    4. [C] 一团,一片,一层 a moving or powerful wide mass


  1. any broad thin expanse or surface;

    "a sheet of ice"

  2. paper used for writing or printing

  3. bed linen consisting of a large rectangular piece of cotton or linen cloth; used in pairs

  4. (mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape;

    "we will refer to the plane of the graph as the X-Y plane"
    "any line joining two points on a plane lies wholly on that plane"

  5. newspaper with half-size pages

  6. a flat artifact that is thin relative to its length and width

  7. (nautical) a line (rope or chain) that regulates the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the wind

  8. a large piece of fabric (usually canvas fabric) by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vessel

  1. come down as if in sheets;

    "The rain was sheeting down during the monsoon"

  2. cover with a sheet, as if by wrapping;

    "sheet the body"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. We change the sheet every week.
    2. The doctor wanted us to use the sheet for a shroud.
    3. He put a fresh sheet in the typewriter.
    4. She went as white as a sheet when she heard the news.
    5. They cut holes on the sheet of metal with a punch press.
    6. The rain came down in sheets.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. He jammed the tiller, made the sheet fast and reached under the stern for the club.
    2. Then he found the sheet and the sail filled and he brought the skiff onto her course.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. A plastic sheet was pegged down over the compost heap to hasten decomposition.
    2. In effecting recharge by flooding, water is spread over the land surface in a thin sheet.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. He didn't like white.So he decided to color the sheet green.
    2. Fresh sheets were put on the beds.
    3. The sheets are made in several sizes to fit different sizes of bed.
    4. Don't sleep between damp sheets.
    5. Each sheet was covered with small, neat handwriting.
    6. He spread all the papers out on it and checked sheet after sheet.
    7. A sheet of frost covered the windshield.
    8. There is a sheet of stiff cardboard in the drawer.
    9. He saw a sheet of paper on the bed.
    10. Write your letter on this sheet of paper.
    11. Flowering sheets of water lilies stretched across the lake.
    12. He tacked the sheets of paper on as carefully as possible.
    13. This type of sheet steel could stand high pressure.
n. (名词)
  1. sheet的基本意思是“被单,褥单,床单”,是可数名词。引申可指如床单一样薄的“薄板,薄片”、书写或打印用大小有一定规格的“纸”等,是可数名词,在句中多用作定语,常与介词of连用。
  2. sheet可用作单位词“张”,变为复数时,如所修饰的名词不可数,则只变sheetsheets,如所修饰的名词是可数名词,则sheet和该名词都要变成复数形式。
  3. a sheetsheets〕 of作主语时,谓语动词的数须与of后的名词一致。
  4. sheet还可指移动的或巨大的“一团,一片,一层”,是可数名词,常用于复数形式,常与介词of连用。
  • 这些名词均含有“片、块、段”之意。
  • bit侧重指微小,一点点,小碎片。
  • piece最普通用词,多指从整体上分割下来的东西,可大可小。
  • sheet侧重指平整很薄的一张或一片。
  • slice多指切得很薄的一片食物。
  • fragment指破裂的,不完整的碎片。
  • scrap侧重指废弃的零碎之物。
  • 用作名词 (n.)
    a clean sheet
      清白的历史; 品德良好的人 no faults recorded against one
    as white as a sheet
      面色苍白 pale with fear or illness
    between the sheets
      睡觉 in bed
    in sheets
      尚未装订的; 大片大片地 unbinding; masses of
    sheet anchor
      给予长期支持的人〔物〕 sb/sth that provides long-term support
    three sheets to the wind
      大醉 drunk
    用作名词 (n.)
    动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ ~+介词