
英['saɪə(r)] 美['saɪər]
  • n.雄性种兽;[古语]陛下v.繁殖(幼兽);产生
sired sired siring sires
  • sir n.先生;阁下Sirn.(用于姓名前)...爵士
  • sir. abbr.=selectiveinformationretrieval选择性信息检索
  • Sira n.锡拉河(在挪威)
  • sirach n.(基督教《圣经》次经中的)西拉书
  • Siracril 西拉克里尔聚丙烯腈短纤维
    n. (名词)
    1. 父亲
    2. 种马
    3. 男性祖先
    4. <古>(大写)陛下
    5. <古>大人老爷
    6. 祖先
    7. 种畜
    8. 创始人
    9. 作者
    10. 陛下
    11. 公畜
    12. <古><文>男性祖先
    13. 雄性亲畜
    14. 老爷
    15. 雄性种兽
    16. 公种马
    v. (动词)
    1. 生殖
    2. 做…的父亲
    3. 创办
    4. 创作
    5. 繁殖(幼兽)
    6. 产生


  1. a title of address formerly used for a man of rank and authority

  2. the founder of a family;

    "keep the faith of our forefathers"

  3. male parent of an animal especially a domestic animal such as a horse

  1. make children;

    "Abraham begot Isaac"
    "Men often father children but don't recognize them"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. In the estimation of heritability, various non-genetic factors must be excluded from the variance of sire or dam.
    2. "It is probable, sire," replied Villefort.