
英['sɒɡi] 美['sɑːɡi]
  • adj.湿而软的;潮湿的;湿透的;乏味的
soggily soggier soggiest sogginess
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 潮湿的
    2. 沉闷的
    3. 湿透的
    4. 湿而软的
    5. 受潮的
    6. 有湿气的
    7. 湿润的
    8. 浸水的
    9. 迟钝的
    10. 乏味的
    11. 未烤透的
    12. 不活泼的
    13. 汗水浸湿的
    14. 湿而发粘的
    15. 令人厌烦的


  1. (of soil) soft and watery;

    "the ground was boggy under foot"
    "a marshy coastline"
    "miry roads"
    "wet mucky lowland"
    "muddy barnyard"
    "quaggy terrain"
    "the sloughy edge of the pond"
    "swampy bayous"

  2. having the consistency of dough because of insufficient leavening or improper cooking;

    "the cake fell; it's a doughy mess"

  3. slow and apathetic;

    "she was fat and inert"
    "a sluggish worker"
    "a mind grown torpid in old age"

    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. In the soggy ground his footsteps made the smallest sounds.
    2. It rained last night and the earth was still soggy now.
      昨夜下了雨, 现在地面还湿着。
    3. The ground was soggy after the heavy rain.
      大雨过后, 地面湿透了。
    4. Moisten the soil, but do not make it muddy and soggy.
    5. It 's soggy.