
英[spɔːl] 美[spɔːl]
  • n.残瓦破片;碎片v.打碎;弄碎
spalled spalled spalling spalls
  • spa n.矿泉;温泉浴场;水疗
  • SPAA =SystemandProceduresAssociationofAmerica美国系统与程序协会
  • SPAAG abbr.[军]SelfPropelledAnti-AircrafftGun;自行高炮
  • Spaak n.斯巴克
  • Spaan n.斯帕恩
  1. a fragment broken off from the edge or face of stone or ore and having at least one thin edge;

    "a truck bearing a mound of blue spalls"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The spall that blew out the back caused the water jug to leak.