
英[splaɪs] 美[splaɪs]
  • n.接合;衔接v.接合;衔接vt.拼接
splicer spliced spliced splicing splices
  1. a junction where two things (as paper or film or magnetic tape) have been joined together;

    "the break was due to an imperfect splice"

  2. joint made by overlapping two ends and joining them together

  1. join the ends of;

    "splice film"

  2. perform a marriage ceremony;

    "The minister married us on Saturday"
    "We were wed the following week"
    "The couple got spliced on Hawaii"

  3. join together so as to form new genetic combinations;

    "splice genes"

  4. join by interweaving strands;

    "Splice the wires"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Film editors used to splice reels of film together to make a whole movie.
    2. The reference spectra was the signal obtained by coupling the two fibers with a splice bushing.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. Film editors used to splice reels of film together to make a whole movie.
    2. The reference spectra was the signal obtained by coupling the two fibers with a splice bushing.
    用作及物动词 (vt.)
    1. The splice piece shall be cut to length and secured to the bundle on one of the main runs to allow easy field installation across the splice line.