
英[spɜː(r)] 美[spɜːr]
  • n.支脉;刺激;马刺;鞭策vt.刺激;鞭策;促进
spurred spurred spurring spurs
  • spurs n.支脉;刺激;马刺;鞭策vt.刺激;鞭策;促进
  • win v.赢;赢得;获胜;获得n.胜利
    n. (名词)
    1. 鼓舞
    2. 支脉
    3. 刺激
    4. 山鼻子
    5. 支线
    6. 靴刺
    7. 山嘴
    8. 尖坡
    9. 刺激物
    10. 靴刺状物
    11. 骨刺
    12. 激励
    13. 踢马刺
    14. 马刺
    15. 马扎子
    16. 【史】金踢马刺
    17. 鼓励品
    18. 促进器
    19. 教唆
    v. (动词)
    1. 用靴刺踢
    2. 策马飞奔
    3. 急速前进
    4. 给予刺激
    5. 装靴刺
    6. 催马前进
    7. 驱赶
    8. 推动
    9. 教唆
    10. 煽动
    11. 斗鸡时用距铁踢
    12. 刺激
    13. 鞭策
    14. 给…装踢马刺
    15. 激励
    16. 鼓励
    17. 疾驰
    18. 用马刺驱马
    19. 促进
    20. 策(马)加速
    21. 鼓舞
    22. 加速
    23. 用踢马刺驱(马)
    24. 被距铁刺伤
    n. (名词)
    1. [C] 马刺 either of a pair of sharp-toothed wheels or projecting points, worn on the heels of a rider's boots and used to make a horse go faster
    2. [C] 激励因素; 刺激,鞭策 thing that urges a person on to greater activity; incentive
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. 驱策; 激励 urge on with spurs, or as with spurs


  1. a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something;

    "the ceaseless prodding got on his nerves"

  2. any sharply pointed projection

  3. tubular extension at the base of the corolla in some flowers

  4. a sharp prod fixed to a rider's heel and used to urge a horse onward;

    "cowboys know not to squat with their spurs on"

  5. a railway line connected to a trunk line

  1. incite or stimulate;

    "The Academy was formed to spur research"

  2. give heart or courage to

  3. strike with a spur

  4. goad with spurs;

    "the rider spurred his horse"

  5. equip with spurs;

    "spur horses"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. She went to London on the spur of the moment.
    2. International competition was a spur to modernization.
    3. A good heart horse often needs a good spur.
    4. The thought of the prize was the spur for the team.
    用作及物动词 (vt.)
    1. What spurred her to do that?
    2. This book is a spur to the child's imagination.
    3. Several strong targets have been set to spur action and guide the way forward.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. He dug in his spurs.
    2. International competition is a spur to modernization.
    3. Such stories serve as a spur to children's imagination.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. The riders spurred their horses.
    2. The girl's loving care spurred his recovery.
    3. Professor Smith's new book spurs interest in his course.
    用作宾补动词 S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
    1. The coach spurred his players to fight harder.
v. (动词)
  1. spur的基本意思指骑马时,用靴根或靴刺去刺马腹,使之向前疾进,引申指由于愉快、激动的心情或欲望而导致格外加速的行动,即“激励”。
  2. spur只用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。
  3. spur的宾语后常接介词to引起的短语,表示“鼓励某人去做…,促使某人去…”。
  4. spur的过去式和过去分词均为spurred。
用作名词 (n.)
on the spur of the moment
    凭一时冲动on a sudden impulse, without previous planning
win one's spurs
    获得荣誉〔名声〕achieve distinction or fame
用作动词 (v.)
spur on (v.+adv.)
    驱赶; 激励 drive; whip on; encourage; urge
    spur sb/sth ⇔ on

    It is foolish to spur on a willing horse.


    The thought of the prize spurred me on.


    It was bitterly cold walking home tonight but the thought of a hot drink in the house spurred me on.


    He was spurred on by ambition.


    She was constantly spurred on by a fear of failure.


spur to (v.+prep.)
    激励 impel sb to sth
    spur sb to sth

    The cheers spurred the team to victory.


    Even a small success would spur me on to greater effort.


用作动词 (v.)
~+名词 ~+副词 ~+介词