square one

英 美
  • 起点;同等情况
  • one n.一;一个;一体adj.一个的;某一个的;唯一的;同一的pron.任何人;某人
  • square n.正方形;广场;街区;平方;直角尺;古板的人adj.正方形的;规矩的;结实的;公正的;断然的v.一致;结清;收买;使...成方形;使成平方;调整adv.成直角;直接的;正方形地
  1. the situation in which you begin an endeavor and to which you return if your efforts fail;

    "the police are now back at square one after having arrested and released 27 men"
    "she has tried to diet but always ends up back at square one"

    1. It looks like we're back to square one.
    2. You can draw the start or end of a line in one of several shapes called line caps.