
英[staʊt] 美[staʊt]
  • adj.强壮的;肥胖的;牢固的;坚定的n.烈啤酒
stoutish stoutly stouter stoutest stoutness
  • stuck adj.不能动的;束手无策的;不得不的v.刺入,插入;阻塞,塞(动词stick的过去式和过去分词)
  • to prep.对于;为了;(表示方向)到;向;(表示间接关系)给adv.(表示方向)去;(门)关上
  • up adv.向上;起来;上升;往上prep.向上adj.向上的;上行的n.上升v.上升;增加
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 顽强的,坚强的,坚毅的,不屈不挠的
    2. 结实的,粗壮的,健壮的,肥壮的,粗大的
    3. 勇敢的
    4. 厚的,厚实牢固的,坚牢的,坚固的
    5. 坚定的,坚决的,断然的
    6. 强烈的
    7. 丰富的
    n. (名词)
    1. 烈性(黑)啤酒
    2. 特大号衣服,大号服装
    3. 身体结实的人,过胖的人,矮胖子
    adv. (副词)
    1. 结实地,健壮地
    v. (动词)
    1. 挑衅
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 粗壮的;结实的;坚固的 strong,thick,not easily broken or worn out
    2. 坚定的;勇敢的 determined and brave
    3. (指人)肥胖的 (of a person) rather fat


  1. a strong very dark heavy-bodied ale made from pale malt and roasted unmalted barley and (often) caramel malt with hops

  2. a garment size for a large or heavy person

  1. dependable;

    "the stalwart citizens at Lexington"
    "a stalwart supporter of the UN"
    "stout hearts"

  2. euphemisms for `fat';

    "men are portly and women are stout"

  3. having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships;

    "hardy explorers of northern Canada"
    "proud of her tall stalwart son"
    "stout seamen"
    "sturdy young athletes"

    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. Hope is a slender reed for a stout man to lean on.
    2. The stout old man waddled across the road.
    3. He became stout as he grew older.
    4. The balloon was tied down to a stout stake.
    5. The manager put up stout resistance to the proposal.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. This stout has a slight chocolate flavor.
    用作形容词 (adj.)
    用作定语 ~+ n.
    1. He cut a stout stick to help him walk.
    2. He is a stout supporter of the team.
    用作表语 S+be+~
    1. She became stout.
adj. (形容词)
stout, buxom, chubby, fat, portly, plump
  • 这组词的共同意思是“肉多的,分量重的”。其区别是:
  • 1.fat用得最普通,也最直接了当,它可以用来修饰人或事物。修饰人时,意为“肥胖的”。例如:
  • Sitting beside her was a young man who already looked slightly fat.坐在她旁边的是一位看起来略微发胖的女人。
  • 2.stout着重于“硕大与粗肥”,有时所含“结实”的意思更超过“肥硕”的意思。它经常被用作“too fat”的委婉语。例如:
  • He is a man of stout build.他是一位高大结实的男人。
  • 3.portly的意思与stout相似,但比较庄严。它与stout一样,常用来指上了年纪的人。例如:
  • The retired general is a portly old man.这位退休的将军现在成了一位体态臃肿的老人。
  • 4.plump意为“丰满的”,具有褒奖,赞赏之意,常用来指成熟女性吸引人的体型。例如:
  • That lady has a plump figure.那位妇人身体丰满。
  • 5.buxom也是“丰满的”意思。它与plump都常被用作fat的委婉语, buxom一般只用来指女性,尤其是指乳房大、性感的女性。例如:
  • Jane is a buxom blonde.简是一个性感女孩。
  • 6.chubby用于指婴孩、儿童,含有胖得好看或可爱的含义。
  • stout, strong
  • 这两个词的共同意思是“强壮的”,它们之间的区别是:strong侧重指人的内在素质或物体结构坚实; stout强调强烈的抵御灾难、诱惑的能力,形容物时表示耐压、耐拉。例如:
  • The fort has stout walls.要塞的墙很坚固。
  • He cut a stout stick to help him walk.他砍下了一根结实的树枝拄着走路。