
英[stres] 美[stres]
  • n.压力;强调;重音vt.强调;重读
stressed stressed stressing stresses
  • str abbr.同步发射机接收机(=synchronoustransmitterreceiver)
  • Str. [医]链球菌属
  • stra (复strae)横纹,纹,条纹,线条,陷线(昆虫),壳纹,壳线间隙
  • Straach n.施特拉阿赫(在德国;东经12º36'北纬51º56')
  • Straahl 斯特拉尔
    n. (名词)
    1. 压力
    2. 紧张,紧迫
    3. 重读
    4. 压迫
    5. 强调,重点,着重 ;重要性
    6. 【物】应力
    7. 【语】重音
    8. 【音】加强
    9. 重力
    10. <诗>扬音
    11. 语势
    v. (动词)
    1. 着重,强调,突出 ,着重于
    2. 加压力于,压,压迫
    3. 用重音读,重读;加重语气说
    4. 使紧张
    5. 辩解
    6. 骚扰或打扰某人,遭受烦恼
    7. 体验到压力
    n. (名词)
    1. [U] [C] 压力,紧张 pressure caused by the problems of living, too much work, etc.
    2. [U] 强调,重要性 special emphasis or significance
    3. [U] 重力 force that acts on a thing or between parts of a thing, and tends to pull or twist it out of shape; tension
    4. [U] [C] 重音 emphasis put on a word or syllable
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. 重读 put a stress on
    2. vt. 强调 give importance to


  1. the relative prominence of a syllable or musical note (especially with regard to stress or pitch);

    "he put the stress on the wrong syllable"

  2. (psychology) a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense;

    "he suffered from fatigue and emotional tension"
    "stress is a vasoconstrictor"

  3. special emphasis attached to something;

    "the stress was more on accuracy than on speed"

  4. difficulty that causes worry or emotional tension;

    "she endured the stresses and strains of life"
    "he presided over the economy during the period of the greatest stress and danger"

  5. (physics) force that produces strain on a physical body;

    "the intensity of stress is expressed in units of force divided by units of area"

  1. to stress, single out as important;

    "Dr. Jones emphasizes exercise in addition to a change in diet"

  2. put stress on; utter with an accent;

    "In Farsi, you accent the last syllable of each word"

  3. test the limits of;

    "You are trying my patience!"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Stress can be extremely damaging to your health.
    2. The stress on setting an example is particularly necessary at present.
    3. Which syllable does the stress of this word fall on?
    用作及物动词 (vt.)
    1. Here I will stress the importance of mathematics to the whole of science.
    2. In English, speakers can stress or emphasize words they think are important.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The roof couldn't bear the stress of the snow.
    2. Some students are completely struck down by the stresses of examinations.
    3. My parents lay great stress on honesty.
    4. This instrument measures the stresses in an aircraft's wing.
    5. The stress is on the last syllable.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. We stress the last syllable on “violin”.violin
    2. He stressed the word of “unity”.
    3. That article stressed the same problem.
    4. He stressed the importance of better public relation.
    5. In his lecture, he stressed the importance of idiomatic usage in a language.
    6. The teacher stressed the danger of the examination failing.
    7. The teacher stressed the principles by examples.
    8. He stressed the point that we should be punctual.
    9. The lawyer stressed the fact that the defendant killed the boy accidentally.
    10. 1
    11. The word “important” is stressed on the second syllable.important
    1. He stressed that we should always be honest.
    2. They stressed that all regulations would be strictly enforced.
v. (动词)
  1. stress用作名词时基本意思是“重音”,转化为动词意思是“重读”。引申可表示“强调”。
  2. stress只用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、that从句作宾语。
  1. stress作动词时,和lay stress on一样,一般表示“强调”,有时表示“注重”。

    In his speech he stresses(或lays stress on)honesty as an important virtue.

  2. stress后可接that从句,做作它的宾语。

    He stresses that we should always be honest.

  3. stress同strain(紧张,拉紧)的区别:strain是stress的结果,紧张是由于压力产生的。而stress(压力)是相邻的物体或部分之间的相互作用,由此可导致物体形态或尺寸的改变。
n. (名词)
stress, accent
  • 这两个词都可以作“重音; 重读”解,常可替换,不过在现代英语里accent 更常作“口音; 腔调”解,表示“重音”时较常用 stress。试比较下面两句:
  • He speaks English with a strong Chinese accent.
  • 他说英语时带有浓重的中国腔。
  • He puts stresses on every vowel sound.
  • 他强调每一个元音。
  • strain,stress,pressure,tension
  • 这些名词均有“压力,重压,紧张”之意。
  • strain指某人为克服外力界压力而造成的身心和情绪等方面的压抑。用于物时,指任何力或合力作用于一个物体上面造成的应变。
  • stress侧重指承受外来的压力,也指由于某种原因而引起的心理、生理或情绪上的紧张。
  • pressure在科学上,指单位面积上所受到的压力。用于引申时,指某事物所产生的压力或影响力等。
  • tension多指因关系不好或其它原因而出现的紧张状态,也指某物被过度伸展的程度或状态。
  • 用作动词 (v.)
    ~+名词 ~+副词