
英['stʌmbl] 美['stʌmbl]
  • v.绊倒;蹒跚;犯错误;无意中发现n.绊倒;错误
stumblingly stumbler stumbled stumbled stumbling stumbles
  • stu abbr.学生(=student)
  • Stual 斯图阿尔
  • Stuardo 斯图亚多
  • stuart adj.斯图亚特王朝的n.英国斯图亚特王室n.斯图尔特(男子名)
  • stub n.烟蒂;残段;票根v.碰到某物;捻灭(香烟)
    v. (动词)
    1. 失足,绊脚,绊倒,摔倒
    2. 踌躇,迟疑,生疑
    3. 蹒跚而行,踉跄,东倒西歪地走,跌跌撞撞地走
    4. 偶然碰见,碰巧发现
    5. 结结巴巴地说,说不出话来,结巴
    6. 步入歧途,失策,出错
    7. 使绊脚,使失足,使绊倒
    8. 使迟疑不决,使踌躇,使踌躇莫决
    9. 使为难,使困惑
    10. 弄错,搞错, 犯错,犯错误,犯罪过
    n. (名词)
    1. 绊倒,绊跌,绊脚,失足,摔倒
    2. 错误,差错,失误,失策,出错,过失,失败
    3. 迟疑
    v. (动词)
    1. vi. 绊倒 strike the foot against sth and almost fall
    2. vi. 蹒跚 move or walk in an unsteady way
    3. vi. (说话,演奏等)出错 make a mistake or mistakes as one speaks or play music, etc.
    4. vi. 碰见,发现 meet or discover by chance


  1. an unsteady uneven gait

  2. an unintentional but embarrassing blunder;

    "he recited the whole poem without a single trip"
    "he arranged his robes to avoid a trip-up later"
    "confusion caused his unfortunate misstep"

  1. walk unsteadily;

    "The drunk man stumbled about"

  2. miss a step and fall or nearly fall;

    "She stumbled over the tree root"

  3. encounter by chance;

    "I stumbled across a long-lost cousin last night in a restaurant"

  4. make an error;

    "She slipped up and revealed the name"

    用作动词 (v.)
    1. I stumbled over a tree root.
    2. Any man may stumble into crime when among criminals.
    3. Any man may stumble into crime when among criminals.
    4. You never knew when you might stumble across some new talent.
    5. If you stumble across the book, keep it for me.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The horse recovered itself after stumble.
    2. He read well, with only a few small stumbles.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作不及物动词 S+~(+A)
    1. The tired old man stumbled along.
    2. She stumbled around until she was taken home.
    3. A drunk stumbled past us.
v. (动词)
  1. stumble的基本意思是指身体的动作或步伐受外界影响而离开了正常的范围,可用于表示被某物绊住、绊倒或阻挡因而不能自由行走或照直前进,即“绊倒”“蹒跚”。有时可表示偶然发现或遇到未料到的事。引申可表示“(说话,演奏等)出错”。
  2. stumble是不及物动词,常与over, through等介词连用。
v. (动词)
stumble, blunder, bumble, flounder, trip
  • 这组词都有“摇摇晃晃地行走”“结结巴巴地说话”“笨拙地做事”的意思。其区别是:
  • stumble指被某物绊倒或拦阻而不能自由行走或照直前进,引申指说话、演奏等出错; blunder指走路、说话或做事时的慌乱、笨拙,引申指因目的不明确或因无知、疏忽而出差错; bumble指极不稳定地前进,引申指更加结结巴巴地说话或出更大的错; flounder指处于不适宜的环境中或迷失道路时,挣扎着前进,引申指思想混乱但仍继续说话或做事; trip指失足跌倒,引申指出现口误或做错事。
  • stumble, reel, stagger
  • 这组词都有“蹒跚”的意思。它们的区别是:stagger指虚弱、负重、醉酒等导致身体失去平衡或行走失态; reel指受到打击或眩晕而站立不稳; stumble指由于脚下被绊,迈错步或受惊等而“蹒跚”行走。
  • 用作动词 (v.)
    stumble across (v.+prep.)
      碰见,发现 meet or discover by chance
      stumble across sb/sth

      Guess who I stumbled across?


      Police investigating tax fraud stumbled across a drugs ring.


    stumble on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
      偶然发现 discover sth by chanceI stumbled on some letters of yours in a trunk.我偶然在箱子里发现了一些你的信。
    stumble over (v.+prep.)
      结结巴巴地说 speak in a hesitating way, with pauses and mistakesAfter stumbling over the introduction because of his nervousness, he delivered the rest of the speech smoothly.他由于紧张,导言部分讲得结结巴巴的,但其余的他都讲得很流畅。
    stumble through (v.+prep.)
      结结巴巴地说; 怯场 give a performance in an awkward and unsure manner
      stumble through sth

      The chairman stumbled through his opening speech as if he were afraid of making a mistake.


      At least Adden never stumbles through a performance, he can always be trusted to sing well.


    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+副词 ~+介词