
英['stjuːpɪfaɪ] 美['stuːpɪfaɪ]
  • v.(使)茫然;失去知觉
stupefyingly stupefier stupefied stupefied stupefying stupefies
  • stu abbr.学生(=student)
  • Stual 斯图阿尔
  • Stuardo 斯图亚多
  • stuart adj.斯图亚特王朝的n.英国斯图亚特王室n.斯图尔特(男子名)
  • stub n.烟蒂;残段;票根v.碰到某物;捻灭(香烟)
  1. make dull or stupid or muddle with drunkenness or infatuation

  2. be a mystery or bewildering to;

    "This beats me!"
    "Got me--I don't know the answer!"
    "a vexing problem"
    "This question really stuck me"

  3. make senseless or dizzy by or as if by a blow;

    "stun fish"

    1. Exhilarated or stupefied by or as if by alcohol; intoxicated.
      醉的,陶醉的因(仿佛)喝酒类饮料而兴奋或木然的; 醉的
    2. I was stupefied by what I read.
