tail bone

英 美
  • 尾骨
  • bone n.骨骼;骨;核心vt.除去骨头;往衣服里加撑条;磨光表面vi.努力学习adv.非常地;极其地
  • tail n.后部;尾巴;尾部;辫子;跟随者(复)tails:燕尾服;(硬币的)反面vt.跟踪;盯...的梢;为...装尾巴vi.尾随;附于其后;逐渐减少
  1. the end of the vertebral column in humans and tailless apes

    1. The coccyx is a small bone at the base of the spine.
    2. It can be described as the master sphincter of the entire pelvic area, and it runs from the pubic bone in the front all the way to the coccyx, or end of the spine, in the back.