
英[teɪnt] 美[teɪnt]
  • n.污点;耻辱;感染v.污染;中毒
taintless taintlessly taintlessness tainted tainted tainting taints
  • tai n.泰语abbr.泰国国际航空公司(=ThaiAirwaysInternational;Ltd
  • TAI'AN 泰安市;大安;常州市;
  • Tai--ji 太极拳
  • Tai-boxing 泰拳
  • tai-chi 太极拳
    n. (名词)
    1. 污点
    2. 玷污
    3. 污染
    4. 腐坏,腐蚀
    5. 感染,传染
    6. 污名,耻辱
    7. 腐败,变质
    8. 气味
    9. 痕迹
    10. 缺点,不光彩
    11. 丑陋或腐败的迹象
    12. 色调,色彩
    v. (动词)
    1. 玷污(名声),败坏(名声),损害名誉
    2. (使)腐坏,腐蚀,(使)变质,有异味
    3. (被)污染
    4. <古>弄脏
    5. 使感染,毒化,中毒
    6. (使)腐败,(使)坠落,使道德败坏
    7. 沾染,感染,传染
    8. 染,把…染上颜色


  1. the state of being contaminated

  1. place under suspicion or cast doubt upon;

    "sully someone's reputation"

  2. contaminate with a disease or microorganism

    用作动词 (v.)
    1. Such assurances have done little to quiet fears that Connell continues to taint the air.