
英[tɔɪ] 美[tɔɪ]
  • n.玩具
toyed toyed toying toys
    n. (名词)
    1. 玩具,玩物,玩意儿,像玩具一样的小东西
    2. 小装饰品
    3. 矮小的人
    4. 小动物
    5. 不值钱的东西,无实用价值的东西
    6. 消遣
    7. 游戏
    8. 儿戏一样的事情
    9. 废话
    10. 滑稽文章
    11. 无聊文章
    12. 双关语
    13. 诙谐,戏谑
    14. 怪人
    15. 好玩
    v. (动词)
    1. 玩弄,戏耍,戏弄,摆弄,玩耍,玩
    2. 调情,调戏
    3. 随随便便地对待,不很认真地考虑,开玩笑似地谈到,把...当儿戏
    4. 当做玩具
    n. (名词)
    1. [C]玩具,玩物 an object for children to play with
    v. (动词)
    1. vi. 玩弄 play with; amuse oneself with; handle carelessly or absent-mindedly
    2. vi. 不认真地考虑 not consider (an idea) very seriously


  1. an artifact designed to be played with

  2. a nonfunctional replica of something else (frequently used as a modifier);

    "a toy stove"

  3. a device regarded as providing amusement;

    "private airplanes are a rich man's toy"

  4. a copy that reproduces a person or thing in greatly reduced size

  5. any of several breeds of very small dogs kept purely as pets

  1. behave carelessly or indifferently;

    "Play about with a young girl's affection"

  2. manipulate manually or in one's mind or imagination;

    "She played nervously with her wedding ring"
    "Don't fiddle with the screws"
    "He played with the idea of running for the Senate"

  3. engage in an activity as if it were a game rather than take it seriously;

    "They played games on their opponents"
    "play the stock market"
    "play with her feelings"
    "toy with an idea"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. He was appointed to superintend the toy department.
    2. The child clutched his toy.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The toy isn't within his reach.
    2. The child is crying for its toy.
    3. The two brothers were fighting because of a toy.
    4. Clear away your toys now.
    5. The child flew into a rage and began scattering its toys about.
    6. He has outgrown his interest in toys.
    7. His latest toy is a personal computer.
    8. She is only one of the executive's toys.
    9. The boy floated his toy boat in the shallow water.
    10. The child trailed a toy horse after him.
    11. The tail won't come off the toy plane, it's fixed on with nails.
    12. The boy reached out for the toy train and fell down from the bed.
n. (名词)
  1. toy用作名词一般指供儿童游戏或娱乐的“玩具或玩物”,是可数名词。
  2. toy有时还可指“为玩耍的而非为使用的东西”,此时常含贬义。
  3. toy在句中有时可修饰其他名词,作定语。
v. (动词)
  1. toy用作名词时意思是“玩具”,转化成动词意思是“玩弄”,指表面上高高兴兴地忙碌着,但实际上并未集中全部精力或并无严肃的目的,如将某物放在手中不停地摆弄或欺骗别人的感情。toy还可指“不认真地考虑”,指对某一件事情只是随便想想而不认真对待。
  2. toy一般用作不及物动词,通常要与介词with连用。
用作动词 (v.)
toy with( v.+prep. )
    并非严肃地考虑… not consider (an idea) very seriously
用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 形容词+~ ~+名词
用作动词 (v.)
~+副词 ~+介词