
英['ʌn'kləʊð] 美[ʌn'kloʊð]
  • vt.抢去衣服;使脱去衣服;剥光
unclothed unclothed unclothing unclothes
  • unc abbr.不流通的(=uncirculated)Unc.abbr.通用命名标准(=UniversalNamingConversion)
  • unc. (=uncia.;)(拉)两(=unconscious)不省人事的,昏迷不醒的,意识丧失.
  • UNCAC 反腐败公约
  • uncage v.从笼中放出;解放
  • uncaging v:解除
  1. strip;

    "unclothe your heart of envy"

  2. take the covers off;

    "She unclothed her innermost feelings"

  3. get undressed;

    "please don't undress in front of everybody!"
    "She strips in front of strangers every night for a living"
