
英[wɒn] 美[wɑn]
  • adj.苍白的;病态的;暗淡的vi.变苍白;呈病态abbr.广域网(=wideareanetwork)
wanly wanner wannest wanness wanned wanned wanning wans
  • wan adj.苍白的;病态的;暗淡的vi.变苍白;呈病态abbr.广域网(=wideareanetwork)
  • WAN'AN 黑眼圈;是如意不是如花;我爱你;
  • Wan-Ngan 万岸
  • wana n.大麻(毒品相关用语);利名
  • Wanaaring n.沃纳灵(在澳大利亚;东经144º14'南纬29º42')
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 暗淡的,微弱的
    2. 无血色的,苍白的
    3. 病态的,病弱的,有倦容的,憔悴的,苍白无力的,软弱无力的,虚弱的
    4. 阴暗的
    5. 渺茫的
    6. 有愁容的,忧郁的,悲哀的
    abbr. (缩略词)
    1. =Wide Area Network 【计】广域网
    n. (名词)
    1. 万,中国姓氏的音译
    v. (动词)
    1. 变苍白
    2. 呈病态
    3. 使变苍白
    4. 使呈病态


  1. a computer network that spans a wider area than does a local area network

  1. (of light) lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble;

    "the pale light of a half moon"
    "a pale sun"
    "the late afternoon light coming through the el tracks fell in pale oblongs on the street"
    "a pallid sky"
    "the pale (or wan) stars"
    "the wan light of dawn"

  2. abnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distress;

    "the pallid face of the invalid"
    "her wan face suddenly flushed"

  3. lacking vitality as from weariness or illness or unhappiness;

    "a wan smile"

  1. become pale and sickly

    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. Her face wan after her long illness.
    2. The child looked pale and wan.