
英['wɒseɪl] 美['wɑːseɪl]
  • v.干杯;举行酒宴n.祝酒时用的酒;祝酒辞;酒宴
wassailer wassailed wassailed wassailing wassails
  • plane n.飞机;水平;平面n.刨子n.悬铃木adj.平的;飞机的vt.磨平;刨vi.(鸟、飞机)滑翔
  • waisted v.收敛(减计小直径)adj.缩腰的(腰形的;腰部变细的)
  • wasp n.黄蜂;胡蜂
    v. (动词)
    1. 举行酒宴
    2. 参加酒宴
    3. 干杯
    4. 向…祝酒
    5. 痛饮
    6. 欢宴
    7. 为…干杯
    8. (举杯)祝酒
    n. (名词)
    1. 酒宴
    2. 祝酒词
    3. 宴会
    4. 欢宴
    5. 宴会的祝酒
    6. 纵酒欢闹
    7. 旧时欢宴上的祝酒词意为'祝你健康'
    8. 祝酒时饮用的酒
    9. 狂欢
    int. (感叹词)
    1. 干杯!


  1. a punch made of sweetened ale or wine heated with spices and roasted apples; especially at Christmas

  1. celebrate noisily, often indulging in drinking; engage in uproarious festivities;

    "The members of the wedding party made merry all night"
    "Let's whoop it up--the boss is gone!"

  2. propose a toast to;

    "Let us toast the birthday girl!"
    "Let's drink to the New Year"
