
英['weltə(r)] 美['weltər]
  • n.混乱;次重量级的摔跤手v.翻滚;沉迷;混乱
weltered weltered weltering welters
    n. (名词)
    1. 混乱
    2. 起伏
    3. 翻滚
    4. 杂乱无章
    5. 汹涌
    6. 重骑师
    7. 杂乱的一堆
    8. 次重量级的摔跤手
    9. 滚转
    10. 打滚
    11. 翻腾
    12. 动摇
    13. 重量级骑师
    14. 纷扰
    15. 杂乱混合
    16. 大杂烩
    17. 起落
    18. 颠簸
    19. 澎湃
    v. (动词)
    1. 浸湿
    2. 浸渍
    3. 颠簸
    4. 翻滚
    5. 沉溺
    6. 打滚
    7. 沉溺
    8. 沉迷
    9. 起伏
    10. 滚动
    11. 挣扎
    12. 翻腾
    13. 染污
    14. 混乱
    15. 摇摆
    16. 深陷
    17. 浸透
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 负重赛马的


  1. a confused multitude of things

  1. toss, roll, or rise and fall in an uncontrolled way;

    "The shipwrecked survivors weltered in the sea for hours"

  2. roll around,

    "pigs were wallowing in the mud"

  3. be immersed in;

    "welter in work"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. I have just cleared up a bewildering welter of data saved in my computer.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. The chiefs of all the villages were weltering in luxury and pleasure.