
英[wɪf] 美[wɪf]
  • n.一吹;一阵香气;香烟的一口v.轻轻地吹;吹送;使被三阵出局
whiffer whiffed whiffed whiffing whiffs
  • bird n.鸟;禽
  • widow n.寡妇;遗孀vt.使丧偶
  1. a short light gust of air

  2. a lefteye flounder found in coastal waters from New England to Brazil

  3. a strikeout resulting from the batter swinging at and missing the ball for the third strike

  1. perceive by inhaling through the nose;

    "sniff the perfume"

  2. drive or carry as if by a puff of air;

    "The gust of air whiffed away the clouds"

  3. strike out by swinging and missing the pitch charged as the third

  4. smoke and exhale strongly;

    "puff a cigar"
    "whiff a pipe"

  5. utter with a puff of air;

    "whiff out a prayer"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. I caught a whiff of perfume as she passed me.
    2. Mr. Officer, I just baked cookies. Look, take a whiff of these.
    3. A whiff of gas will quickly put you off.