wind belt

英 美
  • 风带
  • belt n.腰带;带状物;地带;皮带vt.用皮带抽打;用带系上;用带标示vi.疾驰;大声歌唱
  • wind n.风;(随食物或饮料)吞下的气;呼吸;气息;管乐器;空谈v.使喘不过气来;(给婴儿轻轻拍抚后背)使打嗝;吹(号角等);(路、河等)蜿蜒;缠绕;给…上发条;可上发条;倒(磁带、胶卷等);转动(把手)n.弯曲;弯曲处;缠绕;转动;上发条
    1. The complexities of the northern belt of westerlies are well illustrated in climates in the United States.
    2. Although soot had been found throughout the world, fires need not have erupted everywhere, because soot could have been blown to some sites by the wind.
    3. The wind created by the blower blew away the girl's hat.

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