
英[ə'raɪv] 美[ə'raɪv]
  • vi.到达;到来;成功
arriver arrived arrived arriving arrives
  • ARR abbr.飞机无线电规程(=AircraftRadioRegulations)
  • arr. n.到达,抵达
  • arra [法]定金,保证金
  • Arrabal 阿拉巴尔
  • Arrabe 阿拉韦
    v. (动词)
    1. 到,抵,达,到达,抵达(目的地)
    2. 达到(某点或某阶段)
    3. (时间等)来临,到来
    4. 成功,成名
    5. 得出(结论),获得(结果)
    6. 出生,问世
    7. (东西)被送来
    8. <古>碰巧发生
    v. (动词)
    1. vi. 到达,来 come to a place
    2. vi. 发生 come to happen


  1. reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress;

    "She arrived home at 7 o'clock"
    "She didn't get to Chicago until after midnight"

  2. succeed in a big way; get to the top;

    "After he published his book, he had arrived"
    "I don't know whether I can make it in science!"
    "You will go far, my boy!"

    用作不及物动词 (vi.)
    1. We shall arrive soon after.
    2. You must arrive at the airport two hours early.
    3. The great day has arrived.
    4. The baby finally arrived just after midnight.
    5. You know you've arrived when you're asked to appear on TV.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作不及物动词 S+~(+A)
    1. “When did you arrive?”“Late this afternoon.”
    2. He arrived punctually at four o'clock.
    3. He arrived after dark.
    4. They arrived on the S.S.Dong Feng.
    5. I suppose he will arrive home in the evening.
    6. We were tired when we arrive home.
    7. He felt in excellent spirits when he arrived home.
    8. She says no letters arrived this morning.
    9. The ship has just arrived from Tanzania.
    10. At last our holidays arrived.
    11. The day they had been looking forward to had at last arrived.
    12. Jenny is a young writer who has not yet arrived.
    13. The flood of fan mail proved he'd arrived.
    14. Now that his books were sold in every shop, he felt that he had arrived.
    15. With the movie's huge success, the leading actor has really arrived.
    16. I believe that a man who has not arrived by forty will never arrive.
v. (动词)
  1. arrive的基本意思是“到达”,可用于具体地点,也可以用于指抽象事物,还可表示“(时间)到来”。arrive引申可表示“新鲜事物的出现”“人在事业等方面取得成功”等。
  2. arrive用作不及物动词时,常可与介词at〔in, on〕连用。arrive at表示“到达某地点”时,往往指到达较小的地点; arrive in表示“到达的区域”时,往往指较大的地方; arrive on则表示“到达某现场”。
  3. arrive可与表示地点和时间的副词连用,但是不能与表示意图或程度的副词连用。
  4. arrive的过去分词可用作形容词,表示“已到达的”。
  1. arrived,arrive的过去分词,做形容词时,指“已到的”,如the newly arrived traveller(新到的旅游者)。现在不习惯说be arrived,如is arrived和are arrived;
  2. 回到家用arrive home,不用arrive at home,因里面的home是副词;
  3. arrive(d)是一时的,短暂的动作,不能用完成时态,不能说He has arrived for a week去让这个动作持续一段时间,只能说He arrived a week ago。
v. (动词)
arrive at, arrive in
  • arrive at和arrive in都是“到达”的意思。其区别是:
  • 1.一般说arrive at往往指到达较小的地方,而arrive in指到达较大的地方。例如:
  • He arrived at the village before dark.
  • 他天黑之前就进村子了。
  • I arrived in Haikou at 6 p.m.
  • 我下午6点到了海口。
  • 但这一点并不是绝对的,用at还是用in完全取决于说话人的感觉,如把这个地点看作是一个点就用at;反之如看成一个范围就用in。当然,有些固定搭配还是不能取意替换的。
  • 2.arrive at常表示“到达”短期逗留之处; 而arrive in常表示“到达”长久居住之处或预期的目的地。例如:
  • The farmer arrived at the woman's house again.
  • 那农夫又来到这个妇人家。
  • We arrived in London in the morning.
  • 我们早晨到达伦敦。
  • 3.arrive at可表示“达成”“得出”; arrive in则无此义。
  • arrive, get to
  • 这两个词都含有“到达”的意思。其区别是:
  • arrive用于较正式的场合; 而get to是通俗用词。例如:
  • The train arrived at Paris at ten o'clock.
  • 火车10点抵达巴黎。
  • When did you get to Qingdao?
  • 你什么时候到青岛?
  • arrive, come
  • arrive和come都表示“到达”,但arrive强调对于目标的到达,而come则不强调目标。
  • He arrived in Beijing by the twelve o'clock train.
  • 他是坐十二点的火车到北京的。
  • I have been waiting for hours and he still hasn't come.
  • 我已等他好几个小时了,可他还没来。
  • attain,reach,achieve,arrive
  • 这些动词均有“达到”之意。
  • attain侧重指在抱负或雄心的激励下,以最大的努力去达到一般所不及或不敢追求的目的。
  • reach常用词,指到达某一空间、时间、目标或发展过程中的某一点。
  • achieve侧重为达到目的所需的技巧、忍耐和努力。
  • arrive指得出结论,达成某项协议或作出某一决定等。
  • come,arrive,reach
  • 这些动词均含“到达”之意。
  • come普通用词,含义广泛。强调到达的动作或进程,不侧重是否到达目的地。也可用于比喻意义。
  • arrive侧重到达目的地或达到某一目标。也可用作比喻。
  • reach既可指到达目的地,又可指到达途中的中间站。强调经过的周折或付出的努力。
  • 用作动词 (v.)
    arrive at (v.+prep.)
      达成,获得,作出(决定) come to, such as a decision, a conclusion
    arrive for (v.+prep.)
      (时间) 来到 come down
      arrive for sth

      At last the time arrived for the performance to begin.


      The time has arrived for action.


    arrive in (v.+prep.)
      乘车到达 reach a place in a vehicle
    arrive on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
      到达 make an appearance
      arrive on〔upon〕 sth

      They arrived on the horse-court at two.


      When asked how the invaders had arrived on Guadalcanal Island, he was very vague.


    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+副词 ~+介词