
英['kʌndʒə] 美['kʌndʒə]
  • v.变戏法;恳求;唤起;以咒文召唤
conjured conjured conjuring conjures
  • con n.骗局;反对;反对的理由adv.反面地;反对地vt.精读;记诵
  • Con'elation
  • con'tract 合同;收缩;正式合同;
  • con- (=com-)[前缀]表示“共同,联合”之义
  • CON-AID 康耐
    v. (动词)
    1. 施魔法
    2. 变戏法
    3. 念咒召唤
    4. 用魔法变出
    5. 令人想起
    6. 以念咒召唤神灵
    7. 使用魔术变出
    8. 祈求
    9. 想像出
    10. 变魔术
    11. 使魔术般地消失
    12. 使…呈现于脑际
    13. 使想起
    14. 念咒招魂
    15. 原义
    16. 想象
    17. 恳求
    18. 唤起
    19. 以咒文召唤
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 行巫的念咒的施魔术的
    v. (动词)
    1. vi.施魔法;变戏法 do clever tricks such as making things
    2. vt.变出(某样东西) do certain object such as playing tricks


  1. summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic;

    "raise the specter of unemployment"
    "he conjured wild birds in the air"
    "call down the spirits from the mountain"

  2. ask for or request earnestly;

    "The prophet bid all people to become good persons"

  3. engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together;

    "They conspired to overthrow the government"

    用作动词 (v.)
    1. Jean can conjure up a good meal in half an hour.
    2. Be on your guard, I conjure you.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作不及物动词 S+~
    1. The girl conjures with silver coins.
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. He said he could conjure a fair princess.
    2. He said he could conjure the spirits of the dead.
    3. His is a name to conjure with.
    S+~+ n./pron.+prep- phrase
    1. Mark and Mandy conjured bolloons from their pockets.
    2. The magician conjured a rabbit out of his hat.
    3. She seems to conjure wonderful costumes out of thin air.
    用作宾补动词 S+~+ n./pron.+adv.
    1. A walk in the fresh air soon conjured her headache away.
    S+~+ n./pron.+prep- phrase
    1. He conjured her into dancing.
    2. The dealer conjured him into buying a more expensive car.
    S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
    1. The wizard conjured stones to move.
v. (动词)
  1. conjure用作不及物动词的意思是“施魔法;变戏法”,用作及物动词的意思是“用魔咒召来;用魔术变出”。用作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语,表示“变出”的东西;也可接以动词不定式或into引导的介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语,表示“变得;变成”。
  2. conjure from和conjure out of都表示“从…变出”;conjure up表示“(用魔术般)变出”,引申则表示“(魔术般地)使…呈现”。
v. (动词)
conjure up, recall to mind
  • 这两个短语意思相近,但不相同。其区别是:
  • 1.conjure up的意思是“使图画般地出现在脑海中”,而recall to mind的意思时“回想起”。2.recall to mind可用于否定句,而conjure up不能。
  • 例如:
  • I can't recall her name to mind for the time being. 此时我想不起她的名字了。
  • 用作动词 (v.)
    conjure up(v.+adv.)
      (魔术般地)使…呈现 appear as a picture in the mindTry to conjure up a picture of life in Ancient Egypt.设法想象古埃及的生活画面。
    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+名词 ~+副词 ~+介词