
英[ˌdɪstrɪ'bjuːʃn] 美[ˌdɪstrɪ'bjuːʃn]
  • n.分布;分发;分配;散布;销售量
  • distributing adj.分布的及物动词distribute的现在分词.
  • pipe n.管子;烟斗;管乐器vt.以管输送;装管道;吹奏;尖声说;(为衣服等)滚边vi.吹奏管乐;尖叫
    n. (名词)
    1. 分布
    2. 分发
    3. 分配
    4. 分类
    5. 销售
    6. 散布
    7. 分配装置
    8. 配给物
    9. 分布区域
    10. 区分
    11. 分布状态
    12. 配给
    13. 配给品
    14. 配给量
    15. 【经】配给方法
    16. 配给过程
    17. 分红
    18. 【律】财产分配
    19. 配置
    20. 【生】分布范围
    n. (名词)
    1. [U][C]分发,分配 an act of distributing or the state of being distributed
    2. [S]散布,分布 the position or arrangement of (members of a group) in space or time


  1. (statistics) an arrangement of values of a variable showing their observed or theoretical frequency of occurrence

  2. the spatial or geographic property of being scattered about over a range, area, or volume;

    "worldwide in distribution"
    "the distribution of nerve fibers"
    "in complementary distribution"

  3. the act of distributing or spreading or apportioning

  4. the commercial activity of transporting and selling goods from a producer to a consumer

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The species of plant has a very wide distribution.
    2. The Red Cross organized the distribution of food and clothing in the disaster area.
    3. Brazil has a very unequal distribution of income and wealth.
    4. Bees are largely responsible for the distribution of pollen.
    5. The distribution of the magazine is 2000.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The town council passed a law forbidding the distribution of handbills.
    2. The conference discussed the fair distribution of income and wealth.
    3. This kind of the tree has a very wide distribution in this area.
用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ ~+介词