
英[fe'stuːn] 美[fe'stuːn]
  • v.以花彩装饰n.花彩
festooned festooned festooning festoons
  • FES abbr.联邦农业技术推广局(=FederalExtensionService)
  • FES-CV 家庭环境量表
  • Fesaha 费萨哈
  • Fesak n.费萨克
  • Fesan 费桑
    v. (动词)
    1. 以花彩装饰
    2. 给…饰以花彩,结彩于
    3. 张灯结彩
    4. 使成花彩形
    5. 用花彩连结
    n. (名词)
    1. 花彩(装饰)
    2. 花彩装饰物
    3. 彩灯
    4. 穗边窗帘
    5. 【建】垂花(雕)饰
    6. 彩旗
    7. 缘垛
    8. 悬杆
    9. 花环


  1. a curtain of fabric draped and bound at intervals to form graceful curves

  2. an embellishment consisting of a decorative representation of a string of flowers suspended between two points; used on pottery or in architectural work

  3. flower chains suspended in curves between points as a decoration

  1. decorate with strings of flowers;

    "The public buildings were festooned for the holiday"

    1. The room was festooned with beautiful flowers.