
英['dʒʌmbl] 美['dʒʌmbl]
  • vi.掺杂;混杂vt.使混乱;搞乱n.混杂;混乱n.环形小甜饼
jumbled jumbled jumbling jumbles
    n. (名词)
    1. 混乱
    2. 杂乱的一堆
    3. 薄脆小甜饼
    4. <英>废旧杂货廉价拍卖
    5. 环形甜薄饼
    6. 混乱的一团
    7. 待义卖的一堆旧什物
    8. 混杂
    9. 杂乱
    10. 混乱的一堆
    11. 旧杂货义卖品
    12. 杂乱无章
    13. 乱七八糟的东西
    14. 胡诌
    15. 甜的圆面包
    16. 薄饼
    17. 环形小甜饼
    v. (动词)
    1. 使混乱
    2. 使杂乱
    3. 变得混乱
    4. 变得杂乱
    5. 使乱堆
    6. 混杂乱成一团
    7. 乱堆
    8. 乱七八糟
    9. 混淆
    10. 混合
    11. 搞乱
    12. 混杂
    13. 混乱
    14. 搀杂


  1. a confused multitude of things

  2. small flat ring-shaped cake or cookie

  3. a theory or argument made up of miscellaneous or incongruous ideas

  1. be all mixed up or jumbled together;

    "His words jumbled"

  2. assemble without order or sense;

    "She jumbles the words when she is supposed to write a sentence"

  3. bring into random order

    用作不及物动词 (vi.)
    1. This might be compared with the jumble of wavelengths of sound that go to make up ordinary noise.
    2. Reminiscent of experimental film or abstract expressionist paintings, the software creates an animated jumble of bright and energetic abstract light compositions.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. This might be compared with the jumble of wavelengths of sound that go to make up ordinary noise.
    2. Reminiscent of experimental film or abstract expressionist paintings, the software creates an animated jumble of bright and energetic abstract light compositions.
    3. The essay was a meaningless jumble of ideas.
    4. Without this sense of purpose, interactive products are just a disorganized jumble of technological capabilities.