
英[kaɪt] 美[kaɪt]
  • n.风筝;鸢n.空头支票v.用空头支票骗人;使上升
kited kited kiting kites
  • kit n.成套工具;工具箱;装备vt.装备
  • kit-bag n.旅行包;工具袋
  • kit-flier 开空头支票的人
  • Kita n.基塔(在马里;西经9º29'北纬13º04')
  • Kitaamari 木田余(姓,日本)
    n. (名词)
    1. 风筝
    2. 骗子,流氓
    3. <苏格兰>贪心的人,贪得无厌的人,贪婪的人
    4. 【动】鸢
    5. 光棍
    6. 轻型飞机,风筝式飞机,飞机
    7. 【海】最高的轻帆
    8. 试探性行为,行动
    9. 空头支票
    10. 总是处于兴奋状态的吸毒者(毒品相关用语)
    v. (动词)
    1. <口>如风筝般飘动,象风筝一样飞
    2. 轻快地行动,迅速上升,上升,
    3. 使迅速上升,使上涨
    4. 【商】用空头支票骗钱, 使用(非法支票)骗钱
    5. 涂改(支票)
    6. 飞起,高飞, 翱翔
    7. 腾挪,提现挪用
    n. (名词)
    1. [C]风筝 toy consisting of a light framework covered with paper, cloth, etc. that is flown in the wind at the end of a long string


  1. a bank check that has been fraudulently altered to increase its face value

  2. a bank check drawn on insufficient funds at another bank in order to take advantage of the float

  3. plaything consisting of a light frame covered with tissue paper; flown in wind at end of a string

  4. any of several small graceful hawks of the family Accipitridae having long pointed wings and feeding on insects and small animals

  1. increase the amount (of a check) fraudulently;

    "He kited many checks"

  2. get credit or money by using a bad check;

    "The businessman kited millions of dollars"

  3. soar or fly like a kite;

    "The pilot kited for a long time over the mountains"

  4. fly a kite;

    "Kids were kiting in the park"
    "They kited the Red Dragon model"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The children are flying kites.
    2. A boy is flying a kite in the piazza.
    3. I looked up into the sky and saw the kite become smaller and smaller.
    4. A kite will never be a good hawk.
    5. Yellow-billed kite soars in the sky
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. She got caught kite flying in Philadelphia.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. The bill was due before payday, so I had to kite the check.
    2. Meat prices kited.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The kites fly upwind. How beautiful the scene is!
n. (名词)
  1. kite的基本意思是“风筝”,指一种用纸或布扎起来的手工艺品,可以由线来牵引乘风飞翔。
  2. fly a kite除了表示“放风筝”,还可表示“试探舆论”。
用作名词 (n.)
fly a/one's kite
    试探舆论 want to know what people said
用作名词 (n.)