
英[skreɪp] 美[skreɪp]
  • v.刮掉;擦掉n.擦伤;擦掉;刮擦声;窘境
scraped scraped scraping scrapes
  • project n.计划;工程;项目;课题;专题研究;住房工程v.计划;预计;设计;放映;投射;表达;突出;投掷
  • scrapped adj.废弃的动词scrap的过去式和过去分词.
    v. (动词)
    1. 刮出刺耳声,刮擦…使发出刺耳声
    2. 刮干净
    3. 挖成;挖空
    4. 勉强过日子,勉强通过,勉强获得
    5. 贴近而过
    6. 刮破,擦伤,擦坏
    7. <口>积攒钱财,积攒,一点一点地积蓄
    8. 削去,挖出,刮去,擦去,削掉
    9. 刮,削,擦,搔
    10. 磨擦,打磨
    11. 乱弹,瞎弹
    12. <口>凑集
    13. 设法得到
    14. 把头发拢在后面
    n. (名词)
    1. 刮擦声,括削声,摩擦声,乱弹声
    2. 擦伤
    3. <口>困境,困难,窘境
    4. 刮,擦,挖,削
    5. 擦痕,刮痕
    6. 打扦
    7. 刮胡子,修面
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. & vi. 刮; 削 remove mud, paint, etc. by drawing or pushing the hard edge of a tool
    2. vt. 擦伤 injure or damage by harsh rubbing, etc.
    3. vt. 设法得到 obtain by being careful, or with effort
    n. (名词)
    1. [C] 刮,擦,刮擦声 an act or sound of scraping
    2. [C] 擦痕,擦伤 a mark or wound made by scraping
    3. [C] 〈正〉困境,麻烦 an unpleasant, but not very serious situation or difficulty


  1. a harsh noise made by scraping;

    "the scrape of violin bows distracted her"

  2. an abraded area where the skin is torn or worn off

  3. a deep bow with the foot drawn backwards (indicating excessive humility);

    "all that bowing and scraping did not impress him"

  4. an indication of damage

  1. scratch repeatedly;

    "The cat scraped at the armchair"

  2. make by scraping;

    "They scraped a letter into the stone"

  3. cut the surface of; wear away the surface of

  4. bend the knees and bow in a servile manner

  5. gather (money or other resources) together over time;

    "She had scraped together enough money for college"
    "they scratched a meager living"

  6. bruise, cut, or injure the skin or the surface of;

    "The boy skinned his knee when he fell"

    用作动词 (v.)
    1. I must have scraped some of the paint off when I was parking the car.
    2. He bent over to scrape some dirt off his shoes.
    3. Scrape your shoes on the door mat before you come in.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. He suffered a few cuts and scrapes.
    2. I hate the scrape of chalk on a blackboard.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作不及物动词 S+~(+A)
    1. It was so windy that the branches were scraping against the window panes.
    2. She scraped and saved until rich.
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. He scraped his car when he drove through the narrow gate.
    2. The car scraped its side against the wall.
    3. She scraped the floor.
    4. These are young carrots and you need not scrape them.
    5. He cleaned the wire by scraping it with a knife.
    6. A dog had scraped a hole in my rosebed.
    7. These hungry children scraped the dishes and plates.
    8. We managed to scrape an audience of fifty people.
    用作宾补动词 S+~+ n./pron. + adj.
    1. He scraped his boots clean before coming into the house.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. He pushed back his chair with a loud scrape.
    2. How did you get a few scrapes on your knee?
    3. She gets into these silly scrapes because she doesn't think before she acts.
v. (动词)
  1. scrape的基本意思是“刮”“擦”,指用有锋刃的工具从物体的表面刮某物,常强调其目的,如擦掉污渍、漆皮、使之剥落或光滑等。还表示发出特别的、令人不适的声音。引申可表示“勉强通过”。
  2. scrape用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语(可以是被擦的物体,如墙、泥等,也可以是擦掉的东西如泥等)。有时也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词,接against,表示“摩擦”; 接along,表示“勉强过下去”; 接by,表示“靠…勉强度日”; 接through,表示“勉强通过考试或通过狭窄的地方”。
v. (动词)
scrape, grind, scratch
  • 这组词的意思相近。其区别是:
  • scrape指用有锋刃的工具从物体的表面刮〔擦〕掉某物; grind表示通过磨〔擦〕使工具、武器变得锐利或光滑; scratch指用利器在物体的表面上划出一道线或沟。
  • 用作动词 (v.)
    scrape along (v.+adv.)
      勉强过下去 live with difficulty without enough money
      scrape along

      I can scrape along on a reductive income for a short time, but not for ever.


      We don't have much money but we scrape along somehow.


      She spent three years at college, scraping along on an allowance from her parents.


    scrape away (v.+adv.)
      用利物刮,擦 rub continuously with sth sharp; remove a (covering) by rubbing with sth sharp
      scrape away

      Scraping away patiently in soil with their fingers, the team of scientists discovered the ruins of an ancient civilization.


      scrape sth ⇔ away

      Scraping the snow away, they found a car buried underneath!


    scrape by (v.+prep.)
      靠…勉强度日 make a living with difficulty by sth
      scrape by sth/v-ing

      I scraped by borrowing from my relations until my next cheque arrived.


    scrape in (v.+adv.)
      勉强挤进,考入 be only just able to enter a place or a school
      scrape in

      The train was crowded, but I scraped in just before the door closed.


      Many men who only scrape in to the army college make the best officers.


    scrape off (v.+prep.)
      擦掉,擦伤 remove by drawing or pushing the hard edge of a tool; injure of damage by hard rubbing, etc.
      scrape sth off sth

      Scrape the mud off your shoes before entering the library.


      She scraped the rust off the kitchen knife.


      The boy fell and scraped the skin off his knee.


    scrape out (v.+adv.)
      掏空,刮净 empty or clean a container by rubbing it, as with sth sharp
      scrape sth ⇔ out

      First scrape out the seeds, then cut the fruit into pieces.


      This animal scrapes out a hole in the sand to lay its eggs in.


      The boys scraped out a hollow place for planting trees.


      The ashes must be scraped out from the stove.


    scrape through1 (v.+adv.)
      〈非正〉勉强通过 be only just able to pass through (a narrow place, a examination, etc.)
      scrape through

      The bars were so close together that I don't know how it was able to scrape through.


      The walls of the cave come to a narrow point just ahead, but I think we can scrape through.


      Some of you deserved to succeed, and others only scraped through.


    scrape through2 (v.+prep.)
      〈非正〉勉强通过 be only just able to pass through (a narrow place, a examination, etc.)
      scrape through sth

      Our dog used to escape by scraping through the bars of his fence.


      Jail got into the music school by scraping through the examination.


    scrape together (v.+adv.)
      凑成; 聚在一起; 积攒 gather by pushing with sth; collect or obtain sth such as money
      scrape sth ⇔ together

      I'll have to scrape together some money for a sight-seeing trip.


      I'll try to scrape a team together for tomorrow's game.


      Scrape the dead leaves together into a pile, and then we can burn them.


    scrape up an acquaintance (v.+adv.+n.)
      〈非正〉一般相识 make friends with sb to a sight degree
      scrape up an acquaintance (with sb)

      After years of living in the same street, my neighbour and I had done no more than scrape up an acquaintance.


      They're some people we scraped up an acquaintance with on holiday.


      She was so lonely during her holiday that she would have scraped up an acquaintance with almost anyone.


    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+名词 ~+副词 ~+介词
    用作名词 (n.)