
英[sɪn] 美[sɪn]
  • n.原罪v.犯罪;违反(教规)
sinned sinned sinning sins sinful
  • simultaneous adj.同时发生的;同步的
  • touch vt.触摸;感动;吃;喝;触及vi.接触;联系n.触觉;接触;修饰;少许;痕迹
    n. (名词)
    1. 罪恶,罪孽 ,罪过
    2. 过失,过错
    3. <口>荒唐的事,无聊的事,蠢事
    4. 违背常情
    5. 无礼貌, 粗鲁
    6. 坏事,恶行
    7. 正弦
    8. 新加坡奥林匹克委员会
    9. 罪行,犯罪(违犯宗教戒律、道德规范的行为)
    10. 申,韩国姓氏的音译
    v. (动词)
    1. 违反教规
    2. 违命,违过
    3. 过罪恶生活而糟蹋掉
    4. 犯(罪),违犯
    5. 做错事,犯过失,犯过错
    6. 犯戒律
    n. (名词)
    1. [U] (宗教上、道德上的)罪 the breaking of a religious or moral law
    2. [C] 罪恶,罪孽 offence against such a law
    3. [C] 过错,罪过; 愚蠢的事,可耻的事 sth that is regarded as wrong or shameful


  1. estrangement from god

  2. an act that is regarded by theologians as a transgression of God's will

  3. ratio of the length of the side opposite the given angle to the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle

  4. (Akkadian) god of the Moon; counterpart of Sumerian Nanna

  5. the 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet

  6. violent and excited activity;

    "they began to fight like sin"

  1. commit a sin; violate a law of God or a moral law

  2. commit a faux pas or a fault or make a serious mistake;

    "I blundered during the job interview"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. He thinks it's a sin to covet other's properties.
    2. I guess ignorance must be a sin.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. We've sinned against you, and against our fellow men.
    2. We are ashamed of sin and yet not ashamed to sin.
    3. To abstain from sin when a man cannot sin is to be forsaken by sin,not forsake it.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. They live a life of sin.
    2. It's a sin to waste food.
    3. Lying, stealing, dishonesty and cruelty are sins.
    4. Being late is an unforgivable sin round here.
    5. It's a sin to be indoors on holiday.
n. (名词)
sin, crime
  • 这两个词的意思都是“罪”。sin通常指冒犯上帝或宗教戒律的“罪”; 而crime通常指触犯法律的犯罪行为或为法律所严惩的“罪”,二者不可混用或替换。
  • crime,sin,guilt,offence,violation
  • 这些名词均含有“犯法,犯罪,罪恶”之意。
  • crime指严重的违法行为或罪行。
  • sin主要指违反道德原则或违反宗教戒律的过失或罪过行为。
  • guilt多用于指违反道德或社会标准的不法行为,含应予惩办之意。这种惩办是以证据为根据的。
  • offence使用广,可泛指对任何规则、道德标准、法律、纪律等的违反与触犯,其罪行可重可轻。
  • violation指违背誓言、条约、规则以及良心等,也指侵犯权利。
  • 用作名词 (n.)
    动词+~ 形容词+~ 介词+~ ~+介词