
英[kən'streɪn] 美[kən'streɪn]
  • vt.强迫;限制
constrainable constrainedly constrainer constrained constrained constraining constrains
  • con n.骗局;反对;反对的理由adv.反面地;反对地vt.精读;记诵
  • Con'elation
  • con'tract 合同;收缩;正式合同;
  • con- (=com-)[前缀]表示“共同,联合”之义
  • CON-AID 康耐
    n. (名词)
    1. 规定
    2. 约束条件
    3. 抑制
    v. (动词)
    1. 强迫
    2. 限制
    3. 强制
    4. 迫使
    5. 束缚
    6. 拘禁
    7. 压制
    8. 抑制
    9. 限定
    10. 使紧张
    11. 紧压
    12. 使不舒服
    13. 把…关进
    14. 监禁
    15. 制约
    16. 囿于
    17. 不得不
    18. 勉强
    19. 驱使
    20. 强使
    21. 约束
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. 强迫,迫使; 限制,约束 hold back or force into an unwanted action, by limiting sb's freedom to act or choose


  1. hold back

  2. restrict;

    "Tighten the rules"
    "stiffen the regulations"

    用作及物动词 (vt.)
    1. I felt constrained to do what he told me.
    2. She tried to constrain herself from a cough in class.
    3. Cold weather constrains the plant's growth.
    4. Don't constrain yourself only to class study.
    5. The police used horses to constrain the crowd from violence.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. Cold weather constrained the plant's growth.
    2. 1
    3. Our research has been constrained by lack of cash.
    用作宾补动词 S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
    1. He was constraining his mind not to wander from the task.
    2. Hunger constrained him to eat.
    3. 1
    4. I felt constrained to do what he told me.
v. (动词)
constrain, compel, force, oblige
  • 这组词的共同意思是“强迫”,都常用于被动结构。其区别在于:
  • 1.compel指使用权力或各种手段迫使对方去做某事或处于某种状态; force主要指用武力或强制的办法去完成某事; constrain指由于受外界压力或环境的影响,迫使某人做某事,也可指受良心、情感或饥饿等方面的内在力量驱使去做某事; oblige则往往是由于客观原因促使某人做某事。例如:
  • When he was a young man, he was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons.早在青年时代,因为政治原因他被迫离开自己的祖国。
  • You cannot compel good work from unwilling students.你不能迫使不肯学习的学生学习好。
  • Cold weather constrained the plant's growth.寒冷的天气抑制了植物的生长。
  • I should be obliged if you wouldn't say so.你如果不这样说,我就感谢你了。
  • 2.compel和force的主语既可以是人,也可以是物; oblige则一般以人作主语。例如:
  • When confronted by such clear evidence, the Senator was forced to eat his words in public.面对如此明白的证据,参议员只得当众收回前言。
  • Energy crisis compels fuel conservation.能源危机使人们必须节约燃料。
  • The police obliged him to leave.警方要他离开。
  • 3.在语气上, compel和oblige较弱; 而force暴力威胁的含义较强。例如:
  • He was compelled to do it against his will.他不得不违心地做这件事。
  • The school regulations oblige us to be present at school on time.校规要求我们必须按时到校。
  • The enemy was forced to get back under our massive blows.在我方的沉重打击下,敌军被迫后退。
  • compel,force,constrain,oblige
  • 这些动词均含“迫使”之意。
  • compel指在法律、权力、力量或行动等的驱使下被迫而为。
  • force指用个人意志、权力、权威或暴力等,迫使他人改变看法或做本不愿做的事。
  • constrain侧重施加约束力或有约束作用的影响,也指环境对人强加的影响迫使人去做某事,尤指受良心、情感等内在力量驱使去做某事。
  • oblige指由于生理上或道德上的需要,促使某人做某事,也指有权威的人或机构迫使某人做某事,还可指在特定情况下被迫作出的反应。
  • 用作动词 (v.)
    constrain from (v.+prep.)
      强行阻止,制止 prevent sb by force or law from sth
      constrain sb from sth

      The police used horses to constrain the crowd from violence.


    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+名词 ~+介词